Our Management always believe and think, rise the hands to help someone who are in need is the most important than anything.

“Right Help For Right Time”

Based on this mantra we have founded the Oasis Foundation; it has main mission and vision to help the needy.

We invested more than 15 million Indian rupees to construct the shelters for our workers who are migrated far from us. It has 30 shelters and can accommodate more than 100 lives with free of cost.

We have given accessories and groceries for food and plan to set the leisure park to enjoy their free time with their families.

It was our first initiative to safeguard our workers and plan to extend those in future.

Oasis Foundation has own ambulance service to help the people and pet at free of cost. We take care of cremation formalities with zero charge for pets and peoples who are under poverty line.

Oasis Foundation has own tractor and water service with high aim to save the nature. We nurtured more than 250 trees across our location and taken care of every day.

Oasis Foundation helps the bright students to acclaim their aspirations. Every year we have selected best academics to support their studies and provide educational accessories to rural educational institutions to promote their ability in learning.

Oasis Foundation has moto to service the society. We need more hands to take part of this project to sustain. If you wish to take a part…